Frequently Asked Questions

What shortcuts are available on Newton for Mac?


⌘ + 1 through ⌘ + 9 Switch to an account based on its order

⌘ + 0 Switch to All inboxes

⌘ + Z Undo the last action

⌘ + N Open new email window

⌘ + Show keyboard shortcuts for this screen


E Archive a highlighted email or selected emails

Delete Key Delete a highlighted email or selected emails

S Star/Unstar

Shift + U Mark as Read/Unread

M Move to folder

Spacebar Select the highlighted email

⌘ + A Select all emails

⌘ + Click Select the highlighted email

8 Starred filter

9 Unread filter

⌘ + F Search

Shift + ⌘ + U Mark all as read


E Archive

D elete Key Delete

S Star/Unstar

U Mark as Unread

M Move to folder

R Reply

A Reply All

F Forward

Right/Left arrow keys Older/Newer email

ESC Key Go back to Inbox

⌘ + P To print last mail


⌘ + B Bold

⌘ + I Italic

⌘ + U Underline

⌘ + Return/Enter Send

⌘ + K Hyperlink the selected text

⌘ + L Remove Hyperlink

Shift + ⌘ + 7 Numbered List

Shift + ⌘ + 8 Bulleted List

Shift + ⌘ + 9 Format text block to Quote

⌘ + \ Clear Formatting

⌘ + Ctrl + Spacebar Insert Emoji

Shift + Spacebar + A Attach Files

⌘ + W Save the draft and close the window

Shift + ⌘ + D Discard draft

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